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How to Enjoying Spring with Your Pet

Spring has sprung, and with the change of season, our thoughts turn to Easter celebrations, spring cleaning and much-needed home improvement projects. Before you embark on seasonal chores or outdoor revelry, take inventory of potential springtime hazards for your furry friends.

1. Invest in Bug Protection
Though you may have taken the winter off from flea and tick prevention ,but not recommended, it’s time to start up again before spending extended periods of time in the park or any wooded areas. These pesky pets can be a nightmare to get rid of and can carry diseases that could prove fatal to your pet. Protect your dog with any one of these flea and tick products for dogs, and protect your outdoor cat with any one of these flea and tick products for cats.

2.Spring Cleaning
Spring cleaning is a time-honored tradition in many households, but be sure to keep all cleaners and chemicals out of your pets’ way! Almost all cleaning products, even all natural ones, contain chemicals that may be harmful to pets. The key to using them safely is to read and follow label directions for proper use and storage.

3.Renew Your Pet License
If you haven’t done so already, make sure to get your dog or cat’s animal license renewed and securely fastened to their collars. As obedient as your dog can be at the park, a change in seasons can bring forth a whole new environment just waiting to be explored. Having proper tags on your animal will allow your town or city to make sure you’re reunited with your pet should they be separated from you.

4.Easter Treats and Decorations
Enyjoy time with your pets , but also don't forgot Easter about come soon. Keep lilies and candy in check—chocolate goodies are toxic to cats and dogs, and all true lilies can be fatal if ingested by cats. And be mindful, kitties love to nibble on colorful plastic grass, which can lead to an obstructed digestive tract, severe vomiting and dehydration. Moreover, while live bunnies, chicks and other festive animals are adorable, resist the urge to buy them—these cute babies grow up fast and often require specialized care!

5. Make Sure Vaccines are Up-to-Date
Another one to brush up on any time of year, staying on top of your pet’s vaccinations is especially important during springtime. Dogs are spending more time in the park with each other and are likely to come across some new puppy, or raccoon or squirrel, friends. Keeping their rabies, parvo and distemper vaccinations up to date will help protect your pup from potentially deadly diseases. This is especially important if you own a small puppy, so be sure not to miss an appointment at the vet for a shot.

6.Let Your Garden Grow—With Care
Pet parents, take care—fertilizers, insecticides and herbicides keep our plants and lawns healthy and green, but their ingredients may be dangerous if your pet ingests them. Always store these products in out-of-the-way places and follow label instructions carefully. Many popular springtime plants—including rhododendron and azaleas—are also highly toxic to pets and can prove fatal if eaten. Check out our full list—of toxic and non-toxic plants for your home and garden.
*If you suspect your pet may have come in contact with or ingested a potentially poisonous substance, contact your local veterinarian.

7.Find a New Park
Free afternoons or weekends in the spring are meant for exploring. Make a point to divert from your usual route and find a new park full of sticks, trees and grass to explore. Try out a new game or spend some time snoozing in the shade.


iPettie: We bring you an amazing life with your pet.

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*We hope to give you better ideas for your pet, but this information is not meant to be a substitute for veterinary care. Always follow the instructions provided by your veterinarian. If your pet feels bad, please take it to the veterinarian in time.




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